【字母學習】 A a (an) ~ away B baby ~ by C cage ~ cute D dance ~ during E each ~ eye F face ~ future 單字測驗第一回(A~F) G game ~ gym H habit ~ husband I I ~ it J jacket ~ just K kangaroo ~ koala L lake ~ lunch M machine ~ must N nail ~ nurse O o’clock ~ ox P pack ~ put 單字測驗第二回(G~P) Q quarter ~ quiz R rabbit ~ run S sad ~ swing T table ~ typhoon U umbrella ~ usually V vacation ~ voice W wait ~ wrong Y yard ~ yummy Z zebra ~ zoo 單字測驗第三回(Q~Z)
【情境學習】 1. Parts of the Body 身體部位 2. Colors 顏色 3. Sizes and Shapes 尺寸與形狀 4. Clothing and Accessories 衣服與配件 5. Tableware 餐具 6. Fruits and Vegetables 水果與蔬菜 7. Hobbies 嗜好 8. Sports 球類運動 9. Musical Instruments 樂器 10. Stationery 文具用品 11. School Subjects 科目 12. Occupations 職業 13. Transportation 交通工具 14. Animals 動物 15. Time and Seasons 時間與季節